Inbound SEO, Sales, Service and Marketing Blog | Ability Growth Partners

The #1 Sales Secret to Remember

Written by Stacey Kramer | Apr 16, 2018 1:15:00 PM

Today I’m going to tell you a secret that shouldn’t be a secret.

Customers don’t care.

Customers don’t care about how many drill bits come with your deluxe tool kit. Customers don’t care about your warranty policy. And they don’t care about how many weeks your workshop lasts.

The modern buyer does research and carefully considers before a purchase. This is true whether your typical customer is a business owner or a stay-at-home mom. By the time a potential customer comes into contact with you, they most likely already know a good deal about your product and company.

So what’s your role in all of this?

Your job is tell the customer why they should care about your product. Because your customers will always care about one thing: what’s in it for me?

How do I find out what my customers care about?

To do this, you should spend some time thinking from your customers’ perspective. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What do my customers want more of?
  • How does my product improve their lives?
  • What can they do better because of my product?

Use what you know about your target demographics, as well as any past customer interactions, to answer these questions. Once you’re armed with answers, use them in your initial interactions with the customer.

Then what?

Just because now you think you know what the customer wants doesn’t mean you can do all of the talking. Your educated guesses aren’t going to be right 100% of the time. That’s why it’s important to get information from the customer themselves.

When you meet with the customer, open up a line of dialogue with them. Your customers want to know how you can solve their problems! Talk with them about their problems and how your product can solve them.

To sum it up:

Start the conversation thinking about your customer’s potential problems and goals in mind. Ask questions, and listen. Adjust your sales pitch to help the customer see how your product can help them.

Remember that you’re not just selling a product; you’re selling to a person. Connect with that person and you’ll create a valuable sales relationship.


This post is part of a series on sales. To find other articles like this, read our master guide to sales.


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