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Why Your Company Needs a LinkedIn Account: LinkedIn Marketing

Written by Chaya Lencz | Dec 1, 2017 5:01:06 PM

LinkedIn is primarily as being a business social media website, and is used as so. One in three professionals use the platform, as well as almost half of key business decision makers. The great thing about LinkedIn is the multitude of ways it can help your business grow. You should already have a personal LinkedIn page (and if not, get on it!), but if you don’t have a Company, or business, page, you’re not fully utilizing the platform.

1. SEO

Ah, the ever-ubiquitous SEO. In general, the more places your business is online, the greater chance of getting found through a search engine. The more information you include on your Company profile, the more visibility you will gain. Make sure to include keywords in your company’s description and details. Also include links to your website and other social media accounts.


2. Recruiting

Looking to recruit new talent? LinkedIn is the way to go. With a Company page, you can post job openings. You can also search for the type of people you would like to hire, and reach out to them.


3. Networking and Connecting

This is what LinkedIn is most known for, and what it is so good at. Start by connecting with colleagues and employees, and let it grow from there! Of course, you can make connections on your own personal LinkedIn account, but that won’t drive sales and brand recognition the same way it can with a Company page. Which brings us to the next point…


4. Content distribution and product launches

LinkedIn is a great way to share content you’ve created, like blog posts and videos, as well as to spread the news about new products and services you are offering. In fact, LinkedIn is the leading platform used for product launches, with 81% of B2B businesses using the platform for just that. 50% of B2B buyers look to LinkedIn when considering purchase, so you may want to tap into that!


5. Driving Leads

A few years ago, LinkedIn was found to be 277% more effective in driving leads than Facebook and Twitter! Since most people browse on LinkedIn with a business mindset (as opposed to the other social media platforms, which are more often than not used for leisure), it’s high conversion rate is only logical.


Have I convinced you yet? Click here to get started. Once you create your Company account, keep it effective by making sure your page’s tone is true-to-brand and personable. Share relevant and useful content, and stay engaged with your audience. Keep growing your network- you never know where it can lead! And, as always, follow these tips for good social media marketing tactics.

Want more social media marketing tips? Check these out:

Socially Adept: Marketing with Twitter in 8 Steps

Socially Adept: Marketing with Facebook for Free

Socially Adept: Facebook Ads for Content Marketing

Socially Adept: Using Social Media for Good Content Marketing