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Landing Pages and Why You Need Them For Effective Marketing

Written by Chaya Lencz | Aug 31, 2017 3:00:00 PM

What is a Landing Page?

Landing pages are the second step in the process of converting visitors to your website into leads (if you missed the first step, calls-to-action, click here to get all caught up).  After being brought to the landing page by clicking on a call-to-action, an email, or through a direct link, the visitor will fill out a form in return for whatever offer was promised. These offers can range anywhere from a free consultation to a complimentary webinar. Now you have a new lead! Armed the with contact information provided by the form that was completed, you have the tools to further nurture the lead into a paying customer.

Why Do You Need Them for Effective Marketing?

Landing pages can drastically improve your marketing game in a number of ways. The most obvious way is that it produces leads. What would be the point in spending time and effort in the above-mentioned consultation or webinar without getting something, namely contact information, back from your visitors? The form employed on a landing page is a currency the visitor-turned-lead is paying in exchange for the tools you have created. A landing page acts as a salesperson, available to collect information 24/7.

Having a landing page helps you capture  those leads. When all your emails and social media posts are linked straight to your homepage, visitors will quickly lose interest. No one has the attention span to start navigating your website- chances are that when they can’t immediately find what they’re looking for, they’ll simply leave. However, if you bring them straight to your landing page (formatted so that all the information can be taken in at a glance), visitors will understand what they’re looking at and will be more likely to share their information in order to receive your offer.

By utilizing landing pages, you can also further develop internally. By receiving personal data from people who are interested in what you have to offer, you know better who you are catering to. This will help you develop your buyer personas and gear your website and marketing efforts towards more qualified leads. Also, by tracking the success of your landing pages, you will have a better idea of what offers consumers are interested in. With that extra information, you can continue creating relevant content.

Learn how to build that perfect landing page!